Austria Phone Numbers

STEP 2 - Choose the city where you want to purchase a local phone number:






Local Austria Phone Numbers

International Geo 100


a month

100 min. included*

£10 Set up Fee
  • Welcome Greeting
  • IVR (Auto Attendant)
  • Call Recording
  • Online Management
  • Call Queuing
  • Time of Day Routing
  • Divert on Busy
  • Voicemail
  • Call Whisper

Choose a city at the top of the page and then click on the 'Next' button

Austria Phone Numbers

A Local Austrian phone number can help your business attract local residentsof Austria to your business. People are more likely to work with Austrian based businesses rather than look elsewhere, so in order to get your business noticed you need to be able to advertise yourself there and there is no cheaper or effect way than testing the market then by getting an local Austria Phone Number.

Have a question?

Have a question? Call us or view our Frequently asked questions here

Additional Information

Once you have your local Austria phone number you can build features on it. We advise you 'test the waters' first if you are only just dipping into the Austrian business market, but if you become established you can convert your Austrian number into a full business based model, with the introduction of n IVR system, call queuing and call recording.

It's all very simple to use and manage, so make sure you get your local Austria phone number today.