A Birmingham phone number (0121) has to be our favourite page in the entire site. Our head office is in Birmingham and most of our employees live here. Buying a Birmingham phone number to point to your existing office or mobile will open you up to a huge market. Birmingham is a vast city and the 0121 area code covers most of the population.
The most popular companies who buy a Birmingham phone number are based just outside in places like Coventry, Telford, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Redditch. The reason they take Birmingham 0121 numbers is because when they place an advert in a Birmingham paper or Yell they find it hard to attract customers with an area code that is just outside.
Us Brummies like to buy local - so why not look local with your very own 0121 numbers.
£15 Set up Fee |
popular choice
£10 Set up Fee |
best value for money
Buy a 0121 number and have it pointed to your existing landline or mobile phone.
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Call us or view our Frequently asked questions here
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Buy 0121 numbers today and advertise it in Birmingham to attract local customers to your business. The process is easy, we usually have stock and if we don't we source it noramlly within days. Join the thousands of companies that use our service today by ordering your number securely on-line.
Here are some good examples of phone numbers in Birmingham:-
Birmingham Council phone number - 0121 303 1111
Birmingham Post phone number - 0121 2345 215
Birmingham Chamber of Commerce phone number - 0121 454 6171
Birmingham City Football Club - 0121 244 1407 (we are all big fans of Birmingham City here!)
If you have any questions about buying an 0121 number please feel free to call us on our Birmingham number which is 0121 673 8002.