Germany Phone Numbers

STEP 2 - Choose the city where you want to purchase a local phone number:






Local Germany Phone Numbers

International Geo 100


a month

100 min. included*

£15 Set up Fee
  • Welcome Greeting
  • IVR (Auto Attendant)
  • Call Recording
  • Online Management
  • Call Queuing
  • Time of Day Routing
  • Divert on Busy
  • Voicemail
  • Call Whisper

Choose a city at the top of the page and then click on the 'Next' button

Germany Phone Numbers

If you are a company who is looking to see your products or services into Germany and you don't have a German phone number then you must consider this service.

Our German Virtual Phone Number service will allow you to advertise the fact that you have a location in Germany. This will help when a potential customer in Germany attempts to make contact with you.

Ordering a virtual phone number in Germany is easy. If you would like to order a phone number in any German city then you will be required to supply us with proof of address. Proof of address can be your ID card, Utility bill or Passport. The address on the utility bill must be for your company and must be in the city that you are taking the virtual number in. 

Have a question?

Have a question? Call us or view our Frequently asked questions here