Nottingham Phone Number - 0115 Numbers

Buy a Nottingham number and have it pointed to your existing landline or mobile phone.


Nottingham Phone Number - 0115 Numbers

Buy a Nottingham phone number from us and we can connect it to your existing phone number (this can be a mobile, landline or International number). If you are selling services to people in the Nottingham area and advertise your mobile number or a number from outside of the local area, it is likely that the number of callers you receive will be the minimum. If you advertise your business with a 0115 Nottingham number you are more likely to attract customers who live in Nottingham. It is a well known fact the people prefer to buy locally, so why not become local even if you are based in London!

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Nottingham Phone Number - 0115 Numbers

Business Starter


a month

Minimum Invoice Value £125 p/mth | 200 min. included*

£15 Set up Fee
  • Minimum Invoice Value (Not Included in Bundle)
  • Online Management
  • Divert on Busy
  • Voicemail
  • Call Whisper

popular choice



a month

Minimum Invoice Value £125 p/mth | 1000 min. included*

£10 Set up Fee
  • Minimum Invoice Value (Not Included in Bundle)
  • Online Management
  • Divert on Busy
  • Voicemail
  • Call Whisper
  • Welcome Greeting
  • IVR (Auto Attendant)
  • Call Recording
  • Call Queuing
  • Time of Day Routing

best value for money

About Virtual Phone numbers in Nottingham - 0115

Buy a 0115 number and have it pointed to your existing landline or mobile phone.

Have a question?

Call us or view our Frequently asked questions here

Additional Information

With a population of over 660,000 Nottingham is a major city. If you don't have an office or presence in Nottingham then it would be worth while taking one of our Nottingham phone numbers. Setting up the service is simple and it only takes 4 days to get a number live from point of order. If you don't advertise with a local 0115 number it is possible that you are losing out to your competition.

Here is a list of some useful 0115 numbers in Nottingham:-

New College Nottingham - 0115 9 100 100
Total Fitness Nottingham - 0115 9222226
University of Nottingham Health Service - 0115 9515151

Get a Nottingham number and have it pointed to your existing landline or mobile phone.

* 0800 mobile originating calls are not included in bundles